Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ginga (Complete)

I'm quite surprised myself that I really did draw them all. Also again...sort of.
I had these papers of sheetmusic (do you say that? Is that even english? Should I go to bed? Yes.) forever and I didn't know what to do with them. Then my drawing course at Uni started and my teacher told me "Just draw whatever you want to, just send me an e-mail, describing your project, you don't even have to hand it in." So I was like:

...and decided to start a BandBook. That's the story. Yeah, and then I went to their show and you see the rest up above!

EDIT: It's really hard for me to draw people with glasses. Again: I'm sorry Klemens, you look way better in real life.
Forgot the video: Here's Fashion

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Owen Pallet (with Ghost and Signature)

Selina and I met Owen a couple of weeks ago at the Donaufestival in Krems. Somehow we ended up Backstage as usual. We never know how these things happen, they just do. Apparently he likes to eat sheep brain.

His comment on the drawing: "I look a bit buff! I love your jacket!"

Edit: I forgot to give you a picture of the real him. Also, I KNOW I MESSED UP THE DRAWING! In my defence: I didn't draw for at least a week and I use my "skills" quite quickly.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Ginga at Popfest Wien

This is Ginga. Ginga are an Austrian Band, but they sing in english, so you'll understand. Here's a video. You should really watch it.

The guy in my drawing is the singer, but I intend to draw all of them (and get it signed again), but you already know that I'm a lazy bitch.

Also, they're touring!